I am standing as a resident of St Helier District-1 in this election because of the lack of local representation from within District-1. I am asking you to show a high turnout and VOTE for a more proportional representation.
- DISTRICT-1 – Our District accommodates much of the island’s primary infrastructure including: electricity supply, fuel/gas farm, harbour for freight/passengers, administrative departments and even the States Assembly, along with the many diverse businesses, yet when it comes to the residents, District-1 doesn’t appear to be even on the consideration list for having a ‘quality-of-life’ by way of our environment. The road/pedestrian system in and around town has become a complete failure, with congestion, lack of appropriate parking, along with deficient management protocols for residents having access to property – and where’s the open space in South/East of town?
- PLANNING & THE ENVIRONMENT – More office blocks or more homes, what about managing the empty properties and allowing a commonsense approach to the planning process.
- IMMIGRATION & POPULATION – Jersey needs to control its borders with a more careful method of balance. Other Commonwealth countries manage their labour market – we should too.
- BUSINESS, ECONOMY & FINANCE – Over 40 years ago Jersey’s economy seemed to be largely fuelled by our Agriculture and Tourism Industries, whereas Finance, whilst viable, appeared a minor player, however now it’s our major industry and source of revenue. With the catastrophe within the global banking system, and the collapse of many financial companies, we need to diversify business to maintain stability for the future.
- TAXATION – Paying tax on tax and tax on food/essentials is morally wrong.
- SOCIAL SECURITY – I would like to see a complete overhaul of the current system.
- INCOME SUPPORT – It’s very much needed, but seriously requires dignity in allocation.
- HOUSING – With the present population of around the 100,000 we appear to need an even greater percentage of affordable homes, yet around 30years ago the population was in the 60,000 bracket and we had a shortage of housing then, so does this not demonstrate a lack of population management.
- STATE PENSIONS – Many State pensioners will struggle with very low pensions and then have to seek the indignity of Income Support, although a number won’t realise they’re entitled, even though they have paid contributions throughout their working life – the pension should be considered equal to the ‘living wage’, after all a persons age is not meant to be discriminated against!
- TOURISM – I believe our Tourism, Leisure and Recreation industries have been overlooked by our Government for too long and warrants investment on initiatives that promote Jersey as an ‘Entertainment Centre’, along with the natural beauty of our island that would appeal to all generations, both visitors and residents alike bringing back some of the former vibrancy.
- JERSEY–v–CHANNEL ISLANDS – Let’s get our priorities right, we should be working closer together in today’s global economy.
Thank you for your time and interest in reading this manifesto of my goals/desires for our community.