I have been the Connetable of St Brelade for seven years. The next Government will face challenges in areas such as housing, immigration and our ageing population. I am standing for Senator as I want to play an active role in addressing these issues.

Chair of Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel 2011–2014;
Vice Chair of Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel 2011–2014;
Assistant Minister for Economic Development Tourism, Sport and Culture 2014-2018; and
Assistant Minister for Environment 2014-2018 and Education 2014-15 and 2018.

Chair of Fort Regent and New Skatepark Steering Groups;
Chair of Maison St Brelade Management Committee;
Treasurer of Natural Jersey Environmental Group;
Trustee of Sanctuary House Men’s Refuge;
Honorary Vice President of St Ouens FC; and
Former Centenier and President of the Honorary Police Association.

With Brexit and an ageing population, we need to find sufficient numbers of skilled workers to ensure that our economy is grown and diversified.
However, I do not support uncontrolled inward migration; we should consider time limited work permits. We urgently need a clear and workable policy if our economy is not to be stifled or our infrastructure overloaded. Further consultation is required to understand the needs of all our industries.

The lack of truly affordable first-time buyer homes is badly letting down young families. Working with the Parishes we need to identify sites around the Island to build an initial 500 first-time buyer homes under shared equity. Green zone sites may be necessary but these homes would remain in the first-time buyer category in perpetuity.

We must enhance our Physical Literacy Programme to improve physical and mental health.
Our curriculum needs to further take into account Jersey’s unique environment and culture. We need to increase funding for secondary languages and give head teachers a degree of autonomy to make decisions that can raise standards within their schools.
Education must meet the needs of our children and of our evolving economy; we should mitigate any shortage in worker skills by improving our skills base and encouraging students to return to Jersey.
I support Digital Jersey’s push for a digital skills pathway.

Diversification is essential if the economy is to grow and more jobs are to be created. Continued support needs to be given to Digital Jersey and Visit Jersey if we are to see further growth. Government needs to facilitate diversification whilst also offering support to small businesses and our essential financial services sector. Sport and Events tourism can boost off-season visitor numbers.

A new hospital is essential to support our dedicated health professionals and provide modern facilities for all Islanders. The recent debate convinced me that the current hospital site is the best solution both in terms of location and funding. The revised scheme is better than the previous plans but the Project Team must do better. You deserve more!
I support the improvement of our mental health services in Jersey and the proposed measures need to be implemented without delay.