Catherine Curtis

Candidate for Deputy St. Helier Central

I am standing for election as Deputy of St. Helier Central as a Reform Jersey candidate. 

The three priorities in my life are:  Family . Business . Community . 

Born and educated in Jersey, I have lived here most of my life, apart from six years living in Spain and England. I appreciate how lovely Jersey is, and in many ways it’s a great place to live. I have a first class Degree, and a Diploma in International Environmental Policy. 

I am very lucky to have five amazing children; my youngest is almost 16 years old. 

I founded and own two local businesses, and I’m the founder of an international brand which has won multiple design awards. It was listed in Sir Richard Branson’s top twenty UK and Irish businesses. I stepped down as Managing Director in 2020, and a new team took over. I gained great knowledge and experience while running this venture, learning much about management, negotiation, and risk.  

I have held many voluntary positions and I’m a Rates Assessor for St Helier. Through the pandemic I also worked night shifts as a carer, primarily to spend time with my mother, who was resident at St Joseph’s Care Home, and still do some night shifts for Positive Steps. While working at St Joseph’s I gained a level three Diploma in Adult Care. I have also been a foster carer for about five years. We had many lovely children come to stay with us, and it was a great benefit to my own children 

I am proud to be standing as a member of Reform Jersey. This is the party that has consistently brought propositions to improve people’s lives. We support each other and share the same values. As a social democrat, I believe in a market economy with strong social benefits 


  • Housing – Many first time buyers cannot afford to buy and many residents cannot afford to rent. Those who have bought a one bedroom flat cannot afford to buy anything bigger, so young people are leaving Jersey. 
  • Cost of living – with GST added to already expensive essentials, cost of living is too high. As well as causing hardship, the wider impact is that people have little disposable income to spend to stimulate the local economy. 
  • Business – everyone should have the opportunity to follow their aspirations. Jersey needs to be open to sustainable business opportunities  
  • Children – Jersey’s education spend is too low. We need more assistance available for children in crisis, urgently, and should examine the potential for extending free nursery care to two year olds.  
  • Older People – older people’s wishes must be respected. Those who own their homes must not be put under pressure to move, while those who do want to downsize often can’t find anything suitable. We need more quality sheltered housing. 
  • Health – an ombudsman is urgently needed. The proposed huge debt for the new hospital needs reigning in. The new Care Model needs thorough assessment.  

Names of Proposers and Seconders

  1. Samuel Yves Mézec
  2. Gabrielle Olivia Curtis
  3. William Gary Walton
  4. Sam Corbel
  5. Lisa Tyne kalina Le Marquand
  6. Emma Jane Gamble
  7. Laurie Nehwati
  8. Patricia Davies
  9. Eric de Olival
  10. Julia Agostinis